Your nutrition needs are unique.

Attitudes, daily routines, family health history, cooking skills, food preferences, and life-long habits impact your food choices.

You have found a nutrition expert!

Dianne Van Treeck

B.S. in Dietetics
University of Wisconsin-Stout

Dietetic Internship, VA Medical Center,
East Orange, New Jersey

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (R.D.) since 1982

M.S. Degree in Foods and Nutrition
University of Oklahoma-Norman

Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist (L.D.N.)
State of Florida Department of Professional Regulation,
Board of Medicine since 1990

Certified Diabetes Educator (C.D.E.) since 1993

Member of:
American Association of Diabetes Educators
American Diabetes Association
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Instructor at:
Palm Beach State College

Office Hours by appointment

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM


Phone: (561) 737-1070
Email: eatright1 (at)

Address see map below

1375 Gateway Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(Located 1 mile West of I-95)

Individual Medical Nutrition Therapy Sessions

The specific information you will receive depends on what nutrition questions you have.

Dianne Van Treeck, MS, RD, CDE can address any other questions you may have. Her counseling philosophy is that motivation to create a healthy diet can only occur through an individualized, collaborative approach. You will not receive a strict diet, judgment about your food choices or unrealistic advice. Your Personal Eating and Exercise Plan will take into consideration your food preferences, daily schedule, and health goals.

No matter how big or small a change you are ready to make, the nutrition expert is here to help.
  • How can I lose weight?
  • What is normal eating; is my eating pattern healthy?
  • What should I buy at the grocery store?
  • How can I better manage my food budget?
  • How do I plan menus and cook basic meals?
  • What should I choose at a restaurant?
  • Can eating well increase my energy level?
  • Should I take supplements? Are the ones I’m taking safe?
  • How do I fuel myself for the amount and type of exercise I do?
  • How can I lower my cholesterol using diet?
  • Can I lower my blood pressure with diet?
  • How can diet help me manage my blood sugar levels?
  • What changes can I make to prevent diabetes and heart disease?
  • How can I gain weight in a healthy way?
  • What is the relationship between nutrition and irritable bowel syndrome?
  • Can changing my diet help with constipation?
  • How do I plan a healthy vegetarian diet?
  • Components of a healthy diet.
  • Individualized recommendations for your health condition
  • Exercise recommendations
  • Menu planning
  • Grocery shopping
  • Meal preparation
  • Goal setting
  • Problem solving
How long is an appointment?
An initial session usually takes 90 minutes. The first follow-up session, two to four weeks after the initial visit, is 55 minutes. Subsequent follow-up sessions are 30-45 minutes.

Please call (561) 737-1070 to schedule your appointment.
To Reduce Cholesterol
Read labels to decrease saturated and trans fats. Increase soluble fiber, nuts, and soy foods. Include plant sterols. Adopt plant-based diet.
To Lower Blood Pressure
Reduce sodium. Lose excess weight. Enjoy calcium, magnesium and potassium rich foods. Limit alcohol. Adopt plant-based diet. Increase physical activity to at least 30 minutes daily.
To Lower Triglycerides
Enjoy daily exercise. Reduce alcohol. Decrease refined carbohydrates and added sugars. Increase omega-3 rich foods. Lose excess weight by reducing calorie intake (250 to 500 less calories) per day.
To Prevent Heartburn
Reduce meal volume. Lose excess weight. Be cautious about caffeine, alcohol, and fried foods. Decrease salt use. Increase fiber. Stop smoking. Get adequate sleep. Exercise regularly.
To Control Blood Sugar
Decrease refined carbohydrates and added sugars. Adjust fat sources. Lose excess weight. Increase vegetable, fruit, nut and legume intake. Increase daily exercise. Get adequate sleep.